
I finally treated myself to an ipad and ipen. I love drawing and painting and the feel of my chosen tool on the paper but there is an immediacy and speed with drawing on a computer or device that I love. There’s almost no room for thought or deliberation, switching brushes and mixing colours takes seconds and for me that kind of pace of working really suits me.

I’m using a drawing program called Procreate which is new to me. I’m far more familiar with Photoshop. Not having complete control has always interested me in the creative process so there’s lots of happy accidents with Procreate. Here’s a few pieces I’ve created to date.

I don’t know about you, but I found myself far more in tune with the changes in weather and seasons, Light and noises during my walks in lockdown and the drawings although not necessarily about singular days were about how I felt about the places I visited and the places that became important to me.

If you’re interested in purchasing one of these they’re in the Digital Art section of my website.